Now in Stores | Underwater by Elizabeth Olwen

Market Tote pattern by Noodlehead and Bermuda Shorts Butterick 6061

Underwater is inspired by a love of the ocean and the world that exists under its surface.

This is a tightly balanced range of cool pink, blue and citron – with a nice patternly mix of what we’ve come to love from Elizabeth. They mix well with a number of our Cirrus Solids and We Are All Stars, too!

Underwater is sure to be a spring and summer favorite and as winter hails upon us in the Northern Hemisphere, working on a project with this pretty bunch will get you readied for the warmer days.

Poolside Tote pattern by Noodlehead

Fish Pouches – Free pattern and Tutorial!

Emery Dress pattern by Christine Haynes

Sea Glass Quilt – Download this free project! Visit the COLLECTION PAGE for details.

Charlie Dress pattern by Olive Ann Designs

Waves Quilt based on Lily’s Quilts “Out on the Ocean”

Starfish Pillows pattern by Sew4Home

Make it Sew | Drawstring Fish Bag


Sweetly paired with Underwater by Elizabeth Olwen, these little drawstring bags are really handy for holding smaller things, gift bags or even as a little purse for the littles. Here’s how to make your own.

Print out the PDF pattern pieces here.

Outer body:

Tail – cut 2 (solid)
Body – cut 2 (print)
Head – cut 2 (solid)
Batting for tail – cut 1
Lining – cut 2 (contrast solid)
2 buttons for eyes
2 18” drawstrings (1yd total)


Use 1/4” seam allowance unless otherwise noted.

Outer body

  1. Sew tail to body, and body to head to make two full outer sides of the bag. Press all seams towards tail.
  2. Sew button to head in area located in diagram.
  3. Topstitch along the lower edge of the body/head seam.screen-shot-2016-12-08-at-1-49-48-pm
  4. With right sides together and laying the tail/batting on top of tail and sew along outer edge, sides and tail, keeping the “mouth” of fish open. Snip corners of tail and curves, turn inside out and press.screen-shot-2016-12-07-at-1-54-48-pm
  5. Topstitch at the tail/body seam. through all thicknesses (sealing off the tail).
  6. For tail details, stitch along the lines, or create your own stitched design.screen-shot-2016-12-08-at-2-08-31-pm
  7. At mouth, turn edge 1/2” inside and press.


  1. Sew sides and bottom, except for the area between the 2 marked points. Press seams open.screen-shot-2016-12-08-at-1-41-31-pm
  2. Turn right side out in order to topstitch around the holes as shown – this keeps the seam allowance tacked down. Then turn it back to wrong side out.screen-shot-2016-12-08-at-1-43-44-pm
  3. Fold on the line noted on pattern toward wrong (currently the outside) side and press.screen-shot-2016-12-08-at-1-46-49-pm


  1. Slip the lining into the outer shell. Line up the opening of the holes on the sides so they meet the folded edge of the outer head. The “lips” should be exposed about 1/2”
  2. Pin around and ease any excess of the outer body to the lining.
  3. Topstitch at the top edge of the outer body.screen-shot-2016-12-08-at-1-50-18-pm
  4. Take one of the drawstrings and enter/exit for the right and tie a knot. Take the other and enter/exit from the left and knot. Pull both drawstrings to close.