Now in Stores | Laminates

You asked, we listened! We’ve had so many requests for laminated cottons and we’re finally delivering the goods. Our laminates are organic cotton based with a supple and glossy PU coating. We’ve chosen 6 of our most popular kids prints from Ed Emberley, Rae Hoekstra and Little Cube – it’s a fun, colorful and, most importantly, water-resistant assortment that meets all your young {and maybe not so young} people’s desires.

Visit our website for a list of retailers. Not in your area? Tell your local quilt shop about us!


Singin’ in the Rain print by Rae Hoekstra. Rain jacket pattern by Elegance & Elephants


Woodland Critters print by Little Cube


Fox print by Ed Emberley


Red Rover print by Rae Hoekstra and Elephants print by Ed Emberley


Alligator print by Ed Emberley

Ladder Quilt Tutorial

Today’s project is an inspired one. Lu Summers blogged a day in pictures and the quilt she featured just spoke to us. We didn’t have quite the same tonal quality fabrics that Summersville (Lu’s own fabric collection with Moda) has but the rhythm of the pattern really got us excited to try something similar with our very colorful Happy Drawing.
Ladder Quilt – sewn by Christen Barber

Yardage requirements for a 40″ w x 48″ h quilt top is:

  • 1/4yd of each print (10 prints)
  • 1 1/2yd of white (or solid accent)

This tutorial won’t go into backing and binding, but according to this handy calculator, you’ll need:

  • 1/3 yd binding fabric (for 2″ binding strips)
  • 1 1/3yd backing fabric

Of all prints, cut 2.5″h x 8.5″w rectangles. In your white/solid color accent, cut 1.5″ x 8.5″ strips.

Fabric cutting measurements and quantities
quilt layout

To assemble:

*all seam allowances measure 1/4″
1.  Work in columns.
Starting in column 1, stitch prints in order shown in diagram, alternating the prints and using a strip of white/accent solid between each.
Press seams away from white (if you are using).
2. When columns are complete, stitch columns to each other as shown in diagram.
Press seams any way you prefer.
3. Your top is done! Just back and bind and enjoy. Below is a detail of Christen’s quilting as a suggestion.
Assembly directions
Quilting detail suggestion – stitch in the white/accent solid.