Field Trip | Hawthorne Threads

We don’t get out of the office nearly as much as we’d like and visiting shops happens even less often. So, we were excited to take advantage of Hawthorne Threads Charlie and Lindsay’s invitation to visit their shop and meet the staff. This was our first venture to see an exclusively online business and it is a really impressive operation.

Here’s some peeks of the goodness we found.

One of the areas where our fabrics are stowed. This array rivals our own studio!
This is one impressive cutting table! {we’re a little jealous}
Neat to see our quilt patterns made into kits! This one is for Up Up Away’s Soaring High Quilt by Maureen Cracknell.
These two cuties are Charlie and Lindsay’s sweeties. So adorable!

Thank you so much to our hosts, Charlie and Lindsay – our regards to your staff and pinches on cheeks to your little ones!