Jungle Dreams is a collection of nature inspired prints that Beck envisioned during the many months of lockdowns during the pandemic. Escaping to an imaginary place of exotic jungles and wide open spaces, were a world away from the four walls of home that she spent most of her time in.
Category Archives: Beck Ng
Get to Know Beck Ng
5 Questions with the Designer of Creatures Great and Small

We’re excited to start off a new series this year to better connect you to our line up of amazing designers as we release their collections. 5 questions asked and answered will give you a peek into the personality behind the art.
Check out Creatures Great and Small here!

Now in Stores | Creatures Great and Small by Beck Ng
This collection is a celebration of all the creatures, no matter how great or small that we share this world with. It’s also a reminder that we all have a part to play to protect these living creatures for generations to come.