Anna designed this project for her Rain Walk collection and now you can make it for yourself!
Category Archives: Anna Graham
Press | From UK With Love
Lots of great features in recent UK magazines. Here’s some of the highlights!

Let’s Have A Party! by Avril Loreti. Love Sewing, Issue 16

Water Land by Jessica Nielsen. Love Patchwork & Quilting, Issue 24

Rain Walk by Anna Graham. Simply Sewing, Issue 6

Garden Secrets by Sarah Watson. Pretty Patches Issue 15 (Sept ’15)

Morning Song by Elizabeth Olwen. Quilt Now Issue 13

Water Land by Jessica Nielsen. Park Life by Elizabeth Olwen. Sew Magazine Issue 75 (Sept ’15)

Moody Blues by Geninne. Love Patchwork & Quilting Issue 23

Sweet Autumn Day by Little Cube. Sew Magazine, Issue 75 (Sept ’15)

First Light by Eloise Renouf. Sew Magazine, Issue 75 (Sept ’15)

Let’s Have a Party! by Avril Loreti. Sew Magazine Issue 74.
Now Shipping | Rain Walk by Anna Graham
Is it June already? Then it’s time for a walk in the rain (?)! {at least here in NJ}. If you don’t have the sprinkles, you can always take a dip into Anna Graham’s stunning Rain Walk – it’s so lovely. Printed on unbleached cotton, it really lends itself to the summer vibe. Oh, and there’s a variety of amazing canvases as well! Click through!
Meet Our Newest Designer | Anna Graham
What a thrill it is to announce this collaboration! We love Anna – she’s been working with us from nearly day one, making her beautiful bags with our fabrics (which you’ll see below!) We can hardly wait to debut her collection, Rain Walk, at May’s Quilt Market.
Anna is a mom to two crazy and incredibly inspiring little girls. Her oldest daughter had the curliest blonde hair when she was a toddler and Anna’s nickname for her was ‘noodlehead’. It’s one of many nicknames, but it stuck, it’s fun and a little goofy – just like her and her family.
Like many, she grew up sewing with her mom. It wasn’t her favorite thing to do, but she loved being able to make something on her own. Having two daughters gave her the drive to start sewing more; and after discovering the blogging world, she never turned back.
Anna graduated in 2002 with a B.A. in Art. She thought she’d spend her working career doing graphic design, and did so for the first 10 years after college. Working in an office made her feel creatively stifled. After falling desperately in love with blogging and being able to do her own creative thing, she turned her passion into a career. She’s happy to be able to focus on what she loves: her family and creating.
She has her first book coming out in a few months, Handmade Style, published by Lucky Spool.
Anna is ecstatic about designing for Cloud9 Fabrics! Seeing her designs on fabric is a dream come true. She can’t wait to put her fabric to use with her patterns and sew up a storm!!!
Follow Anna on Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook, and of course her blog Noodlehead.

Handmade Style published by Lucky Spool

Super Tote and Cargo Duffle in Time Warp.

Roadtrip Case in Lotus Pond

241 Tote in Up Up & Away

Divided Boxes in Goodnight Moon

Fanfare Flannel pajama pants

Poolside Tote in Arcadia