Now in Stores | To Market, To Market by Emily Isabella

Within the designs of “To Market, To Market”, a nostalgia filled story was woven about an everyday trip to the market. Emily Isabella playfully depicts the canopy of trees that covers your head as you journey along, carefully avoiding the buds that pop out of the sidewalk. The fruits and foliage acquired at the market are put in bowls and vases in your home, all while whispers of a childhood rhyme run through your head.

Whoa, Nelly pattern from Simply Sewing issue 33

Lounge Pants & Tank Top patterns Simplicity 8022 & Simplicity 6039 (variation)

Pleated Tote pattern by The Long Thread

Drawstring Pouch pattern from Simplicity Sewing issue 33 (variation)

Willow Tank pattern by Grainline Studio

Tote with Zip Pouch pattern by Cloud9 Fabrics (available on our website)

Gertie Skirt pattern by Blog for Better Sewing

Diagonal Zip Pouch pattern by Cloud9 Fabrics (available at the Marketplace)