10 Questions with Rashida Coleman-Hale

We’ll be kicking off a new blog series, In the Kitchen with Tsuru, in just a matter of hours. Let’s take this time to get to know Rashida Coleman-Hale a little better as she answers our get-to-know-the-designer questions. Later this week, we’ll be seeing Rashida at QuiltCon. She’s already there busy judging modern quilts. On Thursday, we’ll be presenting her latest collection, Koi and we’ll share it with you here once we return.

Where were you born?
Orlando, Florida

Where are you living today and what brought you here?
Atlanta, Georgia via NY/NJ. My husband’s work is what moved us down South.

Rashida’s first book.

What was your most memorable art or craft project when you were a kid?
The first garment that I sewed one Summer when I was 12. My mother decided that I needed to learn to sew and let me choose the fabric and the pattern. It was this vest and pants pattern in the late 80’s. The fabric was hideous, the pattern was hideous, my sewing was probably equally as hideous, but I was SO darn proud that I had done it all myself with my two hands! I was already into fashion, but learning how to sew garments just sealed the deal for me. I heart sewing!

Sneak peek!

A prestigious art museum will give you any piece in their collection-which would your choose?
Anything by Frida Kahlo! I’m not a huge fan of her art, but I love her and h life story. She such an inspiration to me and learning about all of her trials and tribulations in her life have helped me to be more of a glass half FULL kind of gal.

Mod Hexies quilt

If you could hop on a plane TODAY, where would you go?
Hmm…..let me think……Tokyo, Japan!

What is your most productive time of day?
In terms of creative productivity, I would say at night. I get most of my creative work done after my littles have gone to bed.

What’s your favorite color obsession these days? Aqua! I can’t get enough of it.

What is the one creative tool or supply that you cannot live without?
Linen, obviously. 🙂

Fat Quarter Gang project

Who is one of your favorite fictional characters?
Definitely Anne Shirley. That’s ‘Anne’ with an ‘E’. I truly love the Anne of Green Gables/Anne of Avonlea books. I really relate to her awkward beginnings and her finding her place in the world and just boldly coming into her own. I never tire of Anne’s story.

Coffee or tea?
Both. Coffee when I need to keep it moving, tea when I’m in chill mode.

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