Make it Sew | Stitched Valentines

KB_VD4This is a simple idea that’s full of possibilities. They could be made for any holiday or occasion. What’s really wonderful though is that it’s perfect for scraps and your little sewists. The directions are vague which is nice because it leaves room for interpretation. We had 4″ envelopes so we worked backwards from there.

KN_VD1Mo Willems’ Knuffle Bunny was a great fabric to use for young ones since it combines a favorite character and hearts!KB_VD5

1. We printed out some sayings for a computer onto a stiff paper stock. This isn’t necessary, since you can always handwrite your Valentine’s Day wishes. As for size, we made the paper portion smaller so we could use fabric as a frame. So in this case, the finished size is for a 4″ envelope and the paper squares are about 3″ leaving 1″ in fabric border.

2. We cut fabric scraps roughly at about 5″ squares – enough so we didn’t have to line things up too strictly before sewing. Layering fabrics wrong sides together and placed the paper on top. We did not pin things because we didn’t want to leave a mark in the paper, but you could use spray glues if thought it would help for littler hands.

* We took the extra step in adding a layer of white fabric between the prints so they wouldn’t show though.

KB_VD33. Using any stitch you like and sewing with the paper facing up, stitch around the edge of the paper. Trim loose ends.

4. Finally, trim the fabrics to the desired size with pinking shears.

5. For a finishing touch, we added fabric “stamps”.KB_VD2

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