Cirrus Solids Block of the Month Challenge

BOM-BANNER Have you heard about Cloud9 Fabrics’ new Cirrus Solids: a range of chambray weight cross-weave yarn-dyed solids? They’re amazing! And they’re coming this September. And we’d love to see what you might have planned for them. So, we’re CALLING ALL QUILTERS! for a Cirrus Solids Block of the Month (BOM) Challenge! Each month we’ll feature a Cirrus Solids BOM and if we choose yours you will win a fat quarter bundle of all 21 solids (a $68 value). To enter:

  • Create a 12 1/2″ block design using no less than 4, but no more than 6 Cirrus Solids.
  • Use our web images, color pencils, a quilting program or construction paper! Whatever method works best for you to articulate your ideas to us.
  • Create 2 color versions of your block design: we’d like to see your block in virtual action, so give us a couple of ideas using different colors. Don’t be shy about being creative with the naming, too. For example you can call it:
    • light and dark
    • day and night
    • neutral and colorful
    • spring and fall
  • Send your illustration/diagram and type-written sewing instructions to – subject: BOM Challenge Submission
    • Be sure to use the accurate names of each Cirrus Solid color and label them concisely and clearly.
    • Block design must be comprised of only Cirrus Solids.
    • Submissions can be sent in any format that works best for you (.pdf, .jpg, .eps, .doc), but please make the email attachments less than 1MB each.
  • Winners will be chosen month by month – by the 5th of each month prior to posting (for instance: the BOM for November 1st will be chosen no later than October 5th).
    • Winning blocks will be posted on the 1st of the month.
  • Winners will be chosen on a variety of aspects including overall appeal, creativity, uniqueness and instructional accuracy.
  • The chosen block designs will be stitched up by our quilter and presented in a graphically styled downloadable PDF on our blog by our graphic designer.
  • The submissions will be cumulative – no need to submit twice – we will take all block designs submitted into consideration month to month.
  • Each winner will be given design credit for the block and instructions and we will link to your blog or website (if applicable)
    • Please include all your contact details and be sure to add to your address book so we can reach you.
  • Each winner will receive a FQB of all 21 solids as we notify them.
  • Challenge is open to anyone in the world.
  • Fielding questions in the community comments below.

22 thoughts on “Cirrus Solids Block of the Month Challenge

    • We’ll be accepting them throughout the year until next September. (the last submission should probably be received no later than August 2015)

    • Hi Michelle –
      1. We’ll look into it – thanks for the recommendation!
      2. Sure – we’re just looking for creative ways to use our colors and would love to share ideas – however, we do expect them to be of your own design though.

  1. Pingback: QDAD: Quilt Design a Day (week 13) | Factotum of Arts

  2. Pingback: Cirrus Solids BOM Challenge Winner | November 2014 - Cloud9 Fabrics

  3. Pingback: Cirrus Solids BOM Challenge Winner | December 2014 - Cloud9 Fabrics

  4. Pingback: Cirrus Solids BOM Challenge Winner | January 2015 - Cloud9 Fabrics

  5. Pingback: Cirrus Solids BOM Challenge | Stacey in Stitches

  6. Pingback: Cirrus Solids BOM Challenge Winner | February 2015 - Cloud9 Fabrics

  7. Pingback: Cirrus Solids Block of the Month Challenge | Factotum of Arts

  8. Pingback: Cirrus Solids BOM Challenge Winner | March 2015 - Cloud9 Fabrics

  9. Pingback: Cirrus Solids BOM Challenge « Red Patch Designs

  10. Pingback: Cirrus Solids BOM Challenge Winner | April 2015 - Cloud9 Fabrics

  11. Pingback: Cirrus Solids BOM Challenge Winner | May 2015 - Cloud9 Fabrics

  12. Pingback: Cirrus Solids BOM Challenge Winner | June 2015 - Cloud9 Fabrics

  13. Pingback: Cirrus Solids BOM Challenge Winner | July 2015 - Cloud9 Fabrics

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